Health departments across the country are making restaurant and bar inspection scores more visible to the public. Health scores are revealed in the newspaper, online or are even required to be posted in the front window of a restaurant in some cities.

Restaurant health inspections can be a good thing or a detriment to your restaurant, depending on the consistency of your cleaning regimen. With the public’s ever growing interest in good food with quality ingredients, health inspections are as important now as they have ever been. A couple good or bad reviews could quickly swing consumer opinion on a restaurant and affect its business.

At Urban Simple we pride ourselves in being the #1 restaurant cleaning service in Austin. Through our restaurant cleaning experience, we’re able to get your establishment up to code and keep it that way. Apart from keeping ${Leads.Company} in good standings with the health department, a clean restaurant will also improve customer relations as well as boosting employee morale.

Urban Simple, a BBB accredited business, is the exclusive cleaning company for “Purechem” cleaning solutions, which are completely non-toxic, non-flammable, non-corrosive and non-reactive, ensuring that no harm comes to your customers, or staff from our cleaning supplies.

Published On: August 13th, 2015 / Categories: Articles, Uncategorized /

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